Assisting our less fortunate with medical aid hospital plans

(currently prioritising our elderly and those with comorbidities)

Your contribution will help provide immediate hospital cover to those in dire need. By pledging R1950 a month you can sponsor a community member’s hospital plan in full. With R750 per month you can sponsor around half of their hospital plan, for an applicant able to afford the other half. With R325 per month you can sponsor around a quarter of their hospital plan, for an applicant able to afford the other three quarters. Once-off donations and other monthly pledges also welcome. 



If you are a
• Gauteng resident
• Unable to afford a medical aid hospital plan premium and need short or long term assistance to help you pay for one

We can help!


1. Applicants apply for financial assistance to cover the monthly medical aid premium
2. They submit a medical aid quote/s for a basic hospital plan
3. We vett their application for eligibility
4. If successful we pay an agreed upon portion of the cost directly to the medical aid, for up to a year and then review it
5. If not successful, we try to assist applicants in various other ways


with your help

we can ensure every member of our community has vital access to private hospital care.

“This is a great mitzvah, because there are a growing number of people in the South African Jewish community who have no choice but to rely on state hospitals – where conditions make proper medical care enormously challenging.”

banking Details


Bank: First National Bank Rosebank
Branch Code: 250 655

Account Number: 62713804559


SWIFT Code: FIRNZAJJ (for international use)

18A Tax certificates: email

וְכָל הַמְקַיֵּם נֶפֶשׁ אַחַת מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל
מַעֲלֶה עָלָיו הַכָּתוּב כְּאִלּוּ קִיֵּם עוֹלָם מָלֵא

Whoever saves one life is as if he saves an entire world. (Sanhedrin 4:5)

Peace of mind in the event of an emergency, knowing we have cover. The best feeling.
- Elderly Glenhazel couple
I am so grateful to SOSA Medical and for their assistance to rejoin a hospital plan after I closed my business due to Covid. This will ensure that my young son and I are covered in case of a medical emergency
- Sandton Applicant
My daughter recently underwent an emergency operation. It had to be privately funded at very short notice. This has made me realize how essential it is to have medical cover so we do not land up in this position again. I am truly grateful to SOSA Medical for all they are doing to make this possible
- Bramley Applicants